Breaking News:
Following the Federal Governments' refusal to hold an open, public hearing in South Florida, a coalition of environmental groups have banded together to sponsor their own Public Hearings.
The event is scheduled for April 25 at Deering Estate from 6 thru 8 pm.
Details to follow.
The Public Hearing is aimed at allowing local residents the opportunity to learn about the pending Coal Reef Commons project proposed in the globally imperiled Richmond Pine Rocklands.
The project includes a Walmart, 900 unit apartment complex and strip mall.
A formal comment period for public statements runs thru May 22nd.
While federal officials are soliciting comments online and thru the mail, they have declined to schedule a public hearing reportedly saying it's not cost effective.
The Public hearing at Deering is being sponsored by a collation of environmental groups at their own expense. Donations are welcome.
More info will follow as the Pine Rocklands Public Hearing approaches.
Our voices will be heard.
"Save it don't Pave It"
Please distribute this information as widely as possible.
On this page, you'll see my profile, please read this information. Andrew Chunis